How is Viladecans reacting to COVID-19?

The COVID-19 is presenting difficulties to everyone these days, but some of the biggest challenges are being faced by cities. Usually full of social and economic activity, cities have been forced to shut down almost completely. Now they are showing their resilience.

Local authorities are on the front lines to deal with the pandemic, responding and managing the emergency often with few resources and limited powers. It is from the municipalities where citizens have first been served, with solidarity, creative and voluntary initiatives that have joined the public administration to overcome this situation. Efforts to coordinate with other competent administrations, state, regional and even with the private sector and the public, has opened a new paradigm of collaboration that is generating innovative and effective responses.

In Viladecans, a number of initiatives to tackle the spread of the pandemic have been implemented since the lockdown began seven weeks ago.

Supporting children and families with educational activities

In order to continue learning and experiencing new things in a funny way, and to find entertaining and creative activities during the lockdown due to the coronavirus crisis, the City Council, through its website, makes daily proposals for different age groups through the space School At Home  to all the citizens of Viladecans. From a treasure hunt to mindfulness or yoga, to a mailbox of feelings, arts and crafts or a movie day.

Joining the manufacture of protective material for health professionals

The advance of the pandemic has led to a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical equipment, which has made it difficult to prevent and protect the workers who are most exposed to infection. This is why the manufacturing laboratory with 3D printers of Viladecans W! Lab joined the creation of protective visors for health professionals and has already distributed hundreds of them.

Avoiding sedentary lifestyle during the lockdown with a training app

On the occasion of World Physical Activity Day (April 7), a web app was launched that allows access to a personalized eight-week exercise plan at home in order to maintain the health and physical well-being. The app, called Muviment, was created thanks to an agreement between the City Council and the companies TECH Friendly and Runnea, which have recently developed it.

Offering an online and telephone ordering service through the municipal markets and shops

During these days when it is not convenient to get around for a long time, the local trade is offering services to help keep the fridge of the citizens with everything they need. The municipal markets of Viladecans and more than 90 shops in the city offer their products through telephone order, WhatsApp and some of them through a new Internet shopping service.

Creating a community psychological care service through video conferencing

The City Council is offering various psychological care services to citizens during the State of Alarm. One of them, consists of the creation of a Community Nodal Circle, a telematic space made through the video conferencing or virtual meeting system Zoom, so that people who need a space to share ideas, feelings or concerns can do so, with the supervision of professional psychologists.

Congratulating the birthdays of the children in the city

This action arose spontaneously, as a result of an altruistic will of Civil Protection at a time when it was necessary to respond to an unprecedented situation. The Civil Protection volunteers have gone to the homes of more than 300 children between 2 and 12 years who had previously requested, to congratulate them on their birthday.

Delivering roses to users, patients and health personnel of local facilities and services

In order to celebrate St. George's Day despite the lockdown, the City Council sent nearly 2,000 roses during the day to the Viladecans Hospital, to the five nursing homes, to the users of the Home Care Service and to other health centres in the city. In order to practice the circular economy, the roses delivered were bought and distributed by three local shops.

Launching the ‘Vilawatt at Home’ communication campaign

Addressed to families and with different savings proposals and tips promoted through social media, the main goal of the campaign is to involve children in a fun and dynamic way in saving energy. Something, which despite is always important, it has become more relevant during these days of lockdown. The campaign will end with the webinar 'At home, everyone saves' on May 26th where children will revalidate their knowledge as savers by obtaining a "certificate" that accredits them as small experts in energy saving.

Ensuring the supply of electricity to all Vilawatt users

No matter how hard is the moment we are facing, Vilawatt energy is with those who need it most, studying case by case how they can help their customers, ensuring the supply of electricity to all Vilawatt users and giving payment alternatives for those who have been affected by the economic crisis resulting from COVID-19.

Fostering cohesion among citizens with an online city video campaign

With the message: "Join the wink of Viladecans to say thank you” the City Council wanted that citizens from Viladecans and the metropolitan area joined the famous wink of the city to get more than 67,000 winks against COVID-19. The video, with 33 volunteers from the work and family environment in the city has generated a lot of visits in the website and social media of the City Council.