Twelve companies are interested in supplying energy to Vilawatt

The City Council holds a meeting to invite operators to participate in its first electricity and gas purchase, which will allow the company to be launched.

Viladecans has launched the process of purchasing the energy which will be offered by the new local energy company to be created through the European Vilawatt programme to promote the energy transition. Last Tuesday, a meeting was held at the municipal sports facility Podium Viladecans Joan Masgrau, a building with an “A” energy rating, to explain to the energy marketers the first auction to purchase energy for the future company. It has to be launched before the summer through a Catalan public-private consortium.

This spring, in the first phase, a reverse auction will be held for the purchase of electricity and gas for around 2,100 clients. In 2020 (second phase), the energy company will tender for demand aggregation in order to serve the needs of both the City Council and the company’s clients, which are estimated to grow at least 10% per year. Thus, the goal is to offer more competitive prices than the marketers can offer private clients individually.

In order to participate in the auction, which will be held in late April, the marketing companies have to guarantee that their energy comes from renewable sources and that they are involved in promoting energy efficiency, energy savings and self-consumption through photovoltaic energy.

The participants in the meeting held last Tuesday included Agri-Energia, Aura Energia, Axpo, Cox Energy, Electra Caldense Energia, Estebanell Energia, Factor Energía, Feníe Energía, Holaluz, Integra Energia, Migo Energy and Nexus Energía.

The participants expressed a keen interest in the project: