Viladecans stands against climate change

Last Friday, all cities on the planet were asked asked to express their commitment to the struggle against climate change. This global challenge got a fitting response with both the students who joined the activist Greta Thunberg’s “Friday for Future” strike to protest consumption and the labour unions’ calls for the stoppage of several work centres. Schools in the city spent the entire week actively working on this topic, with actions like litter pick-ups in the mountains near Viladecans, which several students at the Sales school did. There are also reports that students in different grades at school joined the strike.

In this sense, the September municipal plenary approved a motion to declare a state of climate emergency which recognises that “the planet, as well as living beings and ecosystems, is in serious danger” and that “we are about to reach a point of no return in climate change”. Likewise, the motion also supports the mobilisations called for last Friday, while recognising the role of the unions, environmental and social entities and citizens that are carrying out activities to fight against climate change.

Admitting scientific evidence and accepting the greenhouse gas measures proposed are considered unavoidable in the city’s future. The motion stresses citizen “training, education and information” on what is needed to stop emissions and make the necessary adaptations to the consequences of the rise in global temperatures. It also focuses on a steadfast, binding political commitment with the consequent resources earmarked to deal with the crisis.


The points of the motion include a focus on continuing to implement the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (PAES) with the goal of equipping political agreements with the regulations and resources needed to guarantee reductions in greenhouse gases which will enable us to reach a zero balance by 2040.

Stopping the loss in biodiversity and restoring ecosystems are framed as the only response to avoid the collapse of all natural systems, including the human system.

The motion to declare a state of climate emergency opens the doors to creating a participative working committee which can be citizens’ decision-making instrument and will be comprised of experts on climate change and sustainable development, municipal officers, representatives of the educational community, local entities working in different fields and representatives of all the political groups in the City Council. Furthermore, a technical and interdisciplinary committee from different services and areas within the City Council will be in charge of implementing the measures approved in the PAES.

Finally, the motion reaffirms the focus on the local economy which promotes the city’s economic and social community and fosters the food sovereignty of the citizens of Viladecans.



The creation of the local energy company Vilawatt is just one of the measures approved by the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (PAES). In addition to providing green, clean energy, a major ally in combatting climate change given that no CO2 is produced when generating it, Vilawatt has created spaces for citizens, schools, retailers and companies which promote training in energy efficiency and sustainability and equip participants with the tools they need to use energy responsibly, with a special emphasis on the city’s children.

The documentary Weather Memories, which premiered in the Vilawatt Space for the people, will be one of the educational proposals which will help convey the climate reality of Viladecans to the city’s students.