Vilawatt energy transition project, among top five projects in 'Citizen engagement for cohesive European cities' category of RegioStars Awards

Last Wednesday October 14th the European Commission announced the winners of the 2020 edition of the REGIOSTARS Awards that reward the best Cohesion policy projects in the whole European Union. For the first time ever, this year’s edition of the REGIOSTARS ceremony, happening during the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities, was fully digital. 

Each year, these awards recognise the best projects funded by the European Union, focusing on five areas that are essential to the future of regional politics in the EU: Industrial transition for a smart Europe, Circular economy for a green Europe, Skills & education for a digital Europe, Citizen engagement for cohesive European cities and Youth empowerment for cooperation across borders.

A panel of judges from academia all over Europe selected 25 finalists, including Vilawatt. The projects selected, according to the European Commission, “demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development, with the goal of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe.”

Even though Vilawatt didn’t end up winning the award, which went to SHICC - Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (Brussels, Ghent, Lille and London), being among this selection of finalists is a great recognition for Viladecans and a city-led energy transition project, valuing in particular that it is innovative, participative and community based.