Garrote closes a great summer with a European double


August is a month where everyone goes on vacation except for Sergio Garrote, the Viladecans AmVassador who continues to keep epic this 2023. After his success at the World Championship, the Catalan returned to hang two more metals at the European Championship that was held in Rotterdam (Netherlands), showing that he is in excellent form and confirming that this has been his big summer in the sporting field.

The handbiker started the tournament in an unbeatable way, as he took the gold in the time trial ahead of his great rival, the Frenchman Florian Jouanny. On the other hand, in the road cycling test, both maintained their excitement until the end, but the Catalan fell in the last few meters and could not get the gold double. In this way, the man from Viladecans closes his participation with the opposite results to the previous year, where he managed to be first on the route and second in the time trial. These two metals are added to the 14 medals that the Spanish team has won at the Dutch European Championships.

Garrote achieved his best individual result in an Adapted Cycling World Championship in Glasgow just a few days ago, as he was crowned champion in the time trial category and runner-up in the road category. With these two new milestones, the man from Viladecans stretches his record with twelve medals won in individual world championships just a year before the Paris Olympic Games, his big goal, begin.