The Viladecans 2030 Strategy reaffirms its ambitious vision of the future

The Viladecans 2030 Strategy shows its potential and capacity in the search for a more sustainable, educating and caring city. More than 50 people took part in the first edition of the Viladecans 2030 Strategy Steering Group, a governance tool that brings together the public administration with the academic, business and organisational world to work on the objectives set out in the strategy.

Mayor Carles Ruiz, who thanked the participants for their involvement, stressed that "thanks to thinking about the future, things begin to change in the present and opportunities for everyone are improved". He highlighted how "the planning of a new neighbourhood such as Llevant will allow the creation of public rental housing, a model that does not currently exist in the city", and how the work of economic attraction to promote employment, "means that, from having almost no jobs in the aeronautical sector in 2022, we will have around 1,300 in three years".

The Steering Group served to take stock of the work started and to address the next steps, as well as for the participants to share how the vision of Viladecans should be based on a participatory dynamic. For example, Sonia Fernández, director of the Frederica Montseny Social and Health Centre, pointed out that this vision "must be broad to offer security to all people and focus on climate change and health, because they are very important for us" and that "it is necessary to explain more that the 2030 Agenda is the way to improve our lives through many proposals". In this sense, Pilar Vinuesa, head of Urban Planning at Barcelona Provincial Council, claimed that talking about the 2030 Agenda is "talking about what we want our future to be like" and emphasised the need to look at it "from the perspective of sustainability in all dimensions: economic, social and environmental".


At the meeting, the Deputy Mayor for the 2030 Strategy Richard Calle pointed out that, of the 121 actions of the Local Urban Agenda for 2030, 82% will be implemented in this term of office, which ends in spring 2027. Calle emphasised how the innovative work "has made Viladecans known everywhere for its dynamism and has facilitated the attraction of economic funds to promote more projects than could be paid for with its own money", and the Deputy Mayor, Gisela Navarro, highlighted how, through the sectoral plans, the City Council is working on a shared model of action that is committed to "measuring the results of direct policies on citizens".

With regard to the two City Missions, the levers were presented to promote the projects that should make it possible to achieve, on the one hand, a carbon-neutral city and, on the other, zero school drop-out rates. The Deputy Mayor for Social Sustainability, Olga Morales, added that "in addition to these two milestones which have a point of arrival, there is another that looks towards infinity: the Viladecans Cares for Me network, which seeks to ensure that the city is not a physical space but a tribe where the entire community fabric takes care of people".