Join LEA-Network Webinar Series!

LEA-Network Webinar Series

Education is currently facing a challenge like never before. To slow the spread of COVID-19, schools and universities in 188 countries have been closed, impacting almost 90% of the world’s student population. As classes move online, it has become essential that schools have effective learning technology, in order to continue teaching young people at home. The LEA Network ‘Procuring Resilient Education Technology’ series will bring five webinars to you this April – June, exploring the basics of how procurement can learn from this current crisis, and procure effective learntech now and in future.

Do you want to attend the webinars? Please register here!

You will find de agenda here!

Are you a Learntech procurer? You can join LEA-N network!

LEA-N is a network of public procurers who want to learn about learntech and how to buy it. It was created in 2018, with support from the European Commission, to provide pratical support as well as a space for them to share experiences

The first members of LEA-N were part of the LEA project. They include:

  • Municipality of Halmstad (Sweden)
  • The Region of Gothenburg (Sweden)
  • Municipality of Konnevesi (Finland)
  • Municipality of Viladecans (Spain)
  • City of Turin (Italy)
  • Municipality of Braga (Portugal)

If you are interested in learning and buying learntech for education, you too could be a LEA-N member – at no cost or commitment. To find out more about joining LEA-N email: To find out more about joining LEA-N email: [email protected]

Viladecans is member of the LEA since 2018. The LEA project’s goal is to accelerate knowledge transfer, dialog and awareness raising of innovative procurement within the learning technology sector by creating a European wide learntech procurers’ network.

Learn more about LEA project!